What is the Purpose of Schooling?

It is most appropriate to begin the blog with this question so that we can begin to frame the issues.
My response is that the purpose of schooling is to teach people about people, but I have heard more detailed responses directed at specific skills/ideologies to be learned. Dr. Lorraine Monroe, founder of the Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem said plainly that "the purpose of the school is to train the brain." What do you think the purpose of schooling is?

Some of the best recommended readings (from the sidebar):
-Anyon, J. (1981)
-Anyon, J. (2005)
-Graham, P. (1984)
-Murnane, R. & Levy, F. (1996)
-Garcia, V. & Colleagues. (2006)
-Merseth, K., Schorr, L. & Elmore, R. (1999)
-Sarason, S. (1996)
-Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills.

1 comment:

  1. I believe education defies a single/precise purpose given it's subjective nature and its constant evolution. What I do believe to be true however is one of the purposes of education across continents, races, genders, districts etc should be the provision of opportunity.

    Secondly I believe that as education continues to progress in light of globalization the 21st century curriculum and 21st century skills (e.g. languages, economic thinking, entrepreneurial leadership) are going to play an even greater role in education systems in an effort to create global minded citizens. However, to be truly global minded, I believe a second purpose of education needs to be the promotion of "sameness." As trivialized as this sounds I think individuals need to acknowledge that as the world becomes more globalized the problems of the world are no longer applicable to individual nations,(the obvious example being global warming) thus I feel education really needs a core focus on sameness in an effort to promote global minded citizens that see individuals as equals. I think for too long, even when trying to promote "tolerance and understanding" difference is highlighted in a superficial way within schools e.g. the differences between cultures religions, beliefs, practices, foods etc hence perpetuates a "difference." Individuals need to acknowledge and respect "sameness" across the world and accept responsibility for their part in the global community.
